Classes | Functions

Users and User Management
[AESOP Server Library]

See the aesop::UserManager class for documentation. More...

Collaboration diagram for Users and User Management:


class  aesop::UserManager
 This class is threadsafe! In general, these methods are unsafe to call from the main server execution thread, because they can take a long time (disk read/writes and other operations). More...


virtual bool aesop::UserManager::canCreateNewUsersTS (void) const =0 throw ()
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::passwordRequiredTS (void) const =0 throw ()
virtual void aesop::UserManager::getUsernamesTS (OUT SetString &names)=0
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::logInAsUserTS (IN const char *username, IN const char *password, OUT std::string &playerGuid, OUT std::string &diagnostic)=0
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::createUserTS (IN const char *username, OUT std::string &diagnostic)=0
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::isAdminTS (IN const char *username)=0
static smart_ptr< UserManager > aesop::UserManager::create (IN const Datahash *params)

bool aesop::isValidUsername (IN const char *username)
 is this a valid username?
std::string aesop::getUsernameRestrictions (void)
 what is the format of a valid username?

Detailed Description

See the aesop::UserManager class for documentation.

Function Documentation

virtual bool aesop::UserManager::canCreateNewUsersTS ( void   )  const throw () [pure virtual, inherited]
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::passwordRequiredTS ( void   )  const throw () [pure virtual, inherited]
virtual void aesop::UserManager::getUsernamesTS ( OUT SetString &  names  )  [pure virtual, inherited]
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::logInAsUserTS ( IN const char *  username,
IN const char *  password,
OUT std::string &  playerGuid,
OUT std::string &  diagnostic 
) [pure virtual, inherited]
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::createUserTS ( IN const char *  username,
OUT std::string &  diagnostic 
) [pure virtual, inherited]
virtual bool aesop::UserManager::isAdminTS ( IN const char *  username  )  [pure virtual, inherited]
smart_ptr< UserManager > aesop::UserManager::create ( IN const Datahash *  params  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 363 of file srv-users.cpp.

bool aesop::isValidUsername ( IN const char *  username  ) 

is this a valid username?

std::string aesop::getUsernameRestrictions ( void   ) 

what is the format of a valid username?