cubeMaps Tools

These tools help generate large random maps for testing. More...

Collaboration diagram for cubeMaps Tools:

These tools help generate large random maps for testing.

The cubeMaps toolset is a way to generate large, (hopefully) interesting maps automatically, using cubes. The basic idea is that large structures are just assemblies of smaller cubes. This would be a bit repetitive for an actual game, but is a good way to generate large spaces for testing.

Perl scripts:

General usage:

Pipe them all together on the command line, and output the final result of generateMap into a map file.

To generate the map For example:

 % cd tools/cubeMaps
 % ./generateVoidList 10 | ./generateHull | ./generateMap 3.0 3m-cube 7 >

That would generate a map file named "" which you could use to test the client and server. In this case, I was using 3m cubes, with 7 cubes per zone.